Friday, November 18, 2011

Crisis or Chrysalis Revisted

Crisis or Chrysalis? Revisited. (First posted April 29, 2009)

When Jesus went to the Cross, it was a time of tremendous emotional upheaval for his Mom, His Disciples and even his distant followers. It was also a time of upheaval for Heaven and Hell and Earth itself as evidenced by the natural happenings of eclipse, unusual darkness, earthquake and ripping of the temple Veil.

Some of you may indeed feel that you are in a crisis, even as you read this. But the Lord gave me a Word today that will set you free! Do not allow your vision to become eclipsed by the things in your immediate surroundings. Nor fear something that may loom in the distance. It may seem all dark around you. But the Light of the Gospel and the Love of God has been shed abroad into your heart. Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, even as He told us I am the Light of the World. He is lighting and lightening your way.

What may sound like thunderous cheers at your struggle by the enemy is really signaling the beginning of the end of Hell's grasp on your throat. The enemy has tried to strangle you. He has wanted to keep you down, keep you quiet, keep you unable to rise and soar. But! What he perceives as your "end" is really his end!

Even as a caterpillar goes into a cocoon, and it seems a death is taking place to the caterpillar, so too it seems you have entered into a "Valley of death" from which you wonder if you will escape. But there is a transformation taking place. Do not let the crisis of the moment and the tyranny of the things being demanded cause you to look away from the Face of the One who Loves you and Who gave (yielded) Himself up [to atone] for Your sins [and to save and sanctify You], in order to rescue and deliver You from this present wicked age and world order, in accordance with the will and purpose and plan of our God and Father--

Do not doubt, HE WILL bring you OUT!
The Veil that hides Him from your view is being removed.

Your eyes have seen and will yet see again the Glory of the Lord. But, you need to see that it is not just in HIM, but it is in YOU and has RISEN upon you! He has taken you into the Holy of Holies with Himself and ushered you past everything that cries out that you are not worthy, you are not ready, you can not do this. He makes you both ready and worthy and He tells you when to fly and when to stay under His wing. He alone can make your tired, heavy heart to sing! He alone is your strength, your reason for being. He alone is Life and in Him is the Light you need for right now.

You are not in crisis as you suppose. You are in Chrysalis- and He is transforming
what was, into what He says IS and you shall be-
the gift of Beauty and Grace to this Earth that He has created you to be.

Selah and give thanks!

As you can see by this, it was written back in 2009.  I have walked through many a “Crisis/Chrysalis” moment since then.   And yes, HE has brought me out of all of them, and IS bringing me out, even of what is now in front of me.  I am no different than you.  I Must walk by Faith, day by day.  Chrysalis is the  process of a caterpillar spinning a cocoon and then being locked away… the worm is transformed and becomes a beautiful butterfly. That butterfly must beat its wings and struggle to get out of its cocoon…but in that struggle it is strengthened to take on the harsh realities of living in the world no longer secluded and hidden from view in its former prison- the cocoon.

These days, finds your surroundings in crisis. Israel is being threatened daily, by those trying to wipe out her existence. Uganda is experiencing daily black outs. Kenya & Uganda have had drought and so has So. Africa. India has seen soaring prices on everything, as you also have seen. Now is a time to watch and pray, not with fear but with authority and power!  We must stand with and for Israel and pray for her as well as for our own corners of the world that we each live in.

My dear ones, our earth is in crisis!  The world is speeding headlong into a worldwide crisis that they have no clue how to stop!  Scripture is urgently calling out to us to take our place, to fulfill our destiny, to run the race.  We must stop majoring on inconsequential things and become Kingdom minded!  We must not look at what we (think or in reality) lack, but what we have already at our disposal and within our reach.  All of Heaven stands ready for action; they are waiting on our move!  It is our voice speaking HIS WORDS, that propels the angelic host to do His Bidding at the sound of His Word.

It is our actions of Faith and Obedience that puts into motion events spiritually, which translate into the natural.  

Rom 8:18  (AMPLIFIED) [But what of that?] For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!
Rom 8:19  For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].
Rom 8:19  (WNT)  For all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation of the sons of God.
Rom 8:22 (MSG)  All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it's not only around us; it's within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We're also feeling the birth pangs.

This world order- the world’s way of doing things, is pregnant with the sin it has engaged in.  The creation, the world and its animals and its people all created by a loving God are being held captive in the grip of the sin that so easily besets us. (Hebrews 12:2) 
It is when we come out of our cocoon, just like when the butterfly emerges from its cocoon, the world will see the transformation.  That transformation is now taking place with in us as we renew our minds and set our affections on things that are above.  As we pursue HIM, to KNOW HIM and be KNOWN of HIM as Paul wrote in Phillipians.

Php 3:8  Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One),
Php 3:9  And that I may [actually] be found and known as in Him, not having any [self-achieved] righteousness that can be called my own, based on my obedience to the Law's demands (ritualistic uprightness and supposed right standing with God thus acquired), but possessing that [genuine righteousness] which comes through faith in Christ (the Anointed One), the [truly] right standing with God, which comes from God by [saving] faith.
Php 3:10  [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]
Php 3:11  That if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].
Php 3:12  Not that I have now attained [this ideal], or have already been made perfect, but I press on to lay hold of (grasp) and make my own, that for which Christ Jesus (the Messiah) has laid hold of me and made me His own.
Php 3:13  I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
Php 3:14  I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.

There is an upward calling. It is taking the high road, of Honor and Righteousness, instead of resorting to fleshly, worldly and carnal desires and actions, even when in the face of great persecution, fear and disappointments.

The small choice you make today to live holy, to speak the truth in love, to pray for one another and Israel, and governments,  to walk away from an argument, to not say the last word… to not frustrate the Grace of God, but rather to grow in grace as He is helping and enabling you day by day.  All of these things matter!  The smallest details of your life MATTER in the great scheme of things.  YOU matter to HIM.  And you matter to the course of things here on earth. 

Now I can hear you saying, “Me?  I matter, I can change the course of a Nation? Oh come on, you have got to be kidding me!”  No, I am not joking, I am speaking very seriously and honestly.  You name the Name of Christ, then, LIVE like Christ!  Live in Divine union with and to and through Him.  For as you do, you are a living Epistle, read and known of men.  2Cor. 3:2 in the Message Bible says it like this:

(MSG)  You yourselves are all the endorsement we need. Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you.

As you live for Christ, and are HIS, then as they read, they are reading Christ in you the Hope of Glory. They are SEEING Christ in you the hope of Glory. 

I had a bumper sticker sign on a car once that said, “Jesus, Changing The World, One Life At A Time.”  As your life changes, people see and they begin to want to change too. Then you share the love of Christ, you share the Word of Christ, you SHOW the World Christ, by your very life.  There will be change.  As you speak to the things around you and command them to line up with the Word of God, you command a sphere of influence. As that influence is exerted and then your neighbor gets saved and is taught, and they speak to their surroundings… do you see how this works? 

Begin where you are, but begin TODAY.  YOU speak the Word.  YOU live Holy. YOU walk in Love. Because Beloved FAITH only WORKS by LOVE!

Galations 5:6
(AMP)  For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love.

Let me put it in simple terms.  Whether you are educated or uneducated, whether you have money or have none, whether you are black or white, or yellow or red, male or female, pretty or plain, none of this matters where faith is concerned.  Did you act in Love and walk in Faith?  The anointing beautifies and changes you from the inside out. And like a bug in the night is drawn to the light, so all of creation is drawn by and to the LIGHT that is inside of you.  That “Light” is CHRIST, and His Glory residing on the inside, begging to be activated and loosed to come to the outside!  You are more valuable than any riches this world can offer.  Your life matters. You matter.  Live like it. And make a difference!

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