Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rematch: Devil 0- Jesus WON!

Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Let there be no doubt in your hearts
But He didn't just die and pay the penalty.  
Oh no! He went far beyond just
paying our debt to God. 
He went into hell, and preached 
to those held captive. 
What did He preach?  
"I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE! No Man comes to the Father, EXCEPT by and through ME!" (John 11;25, John 14:6)
Then He faced off with the devil. 
Met him on his own turf and said,
"You have nothing in Me." (John14:30) 
"But, I Believe you have something 
that belongs to ME?"
"The keys- HAND THEM OVER!" (Rev. 1:18)
Apparently, the devil thought to hold on to them 
because we are told HE (JESUS)
made an open show of him. (Col. 2:15)
In plain American English, let me tell you 
what this means.  
Jesus whooped his tail.  
Showed Himself strong on our behalf and 
beat the old boy up.  
I can just hear Him "talking trash" to him now.
(that means putting him to shame 
with His words) 
"Hey, Lucifer, remember when YOU were the highest angel in Heaven?  Remember how beautiful you were?  You were the star, the chosen angel to cover Our Throne with Praise.  But were you satisfied with that?  
Oh no!  You wanted to sit on Our Throne!  
So, you thought you would would rebel and have a little revolt and take over... hmm, seems you lost that fight, didn't you?  
Got yourself demoted, kicked right out of Heaven you were. And now here you are, 
Lord of the dung hill and of flies! 
So, you thought you would try a little rematch!  
Thought since I didn't have My angels down here in this hole, called hell, that
My Father created for you, (2Peter 2:4) that you would just square things and kill Me, huh? 
But guess what devil?  You LOSE! 
Oh, and all my people that you've held captive in the bonds of death?
 They're coming with Me! So out of my way, LOSER!"
And, just like that, graves were split open and people long dead, once
again were seen walking upon the earth!
See, when Jesus Cried out 
all of Heaven and Hell, 
as well as Earth itself, reverberated and shook, under 
the Proclamation of those words!
Christ Paid the Price, the awful price. 
Paid it in Full.  And then He Arose!
That means the death sentence against you and I was removed, through the Power of His spotless, shed Blood.
When We accept his Gift, and Ask Him into our hearts, He comes in and 
He applies His Blood to the 
door posts of our hearts. 
And just like in Israel, when the death angel came, he saw the blood 
and looked no further but he passed on by.
But wait! His blood doesn't just hide us
It cleanses us!
If any man be In Christ Jesus, 
(hidden in Him by the work of His Blood)
he is a new creature. (2Cor. 5:17)
A new Creation- 
made fresh and new.
You are a never before creation. Yes, you existed before- 
but as a sinful man or woman. 
Now you exist as a Child of God!  
Washed and made clean, whole and forgiven!
You are entirely new!  
You just need to learn how to walk in this 
new and living way!  
Before you walked in paths of death.
Now, you walk in paths of Light and in new Life!
Remember Jesus said, 
"I am come that they might have Life, and that More Abundantly." (John 10:10)
Welcome to Your Abundant Life! 
He's Alive Forevermore! 
Because He Lives, you too can live.
If therefore the Son shall set you free, 
ye shall be really free. (John 8:36)
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Video: Up From the Grave He Arose

Video: Christ the Lord is Risen Today!

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