Thursday, September 3, 2009

Steps ordered (Still in UK)

God's economy is so amazing. You think you know why you are doing certain things, or going somewhere, and then you get into it and God show's you , "The rest of the story!" Life is full of twists and turns, that is why it is so important to make the Word an integral part of your life. Becuase HIS Word is a lamp unto our feet, so it doesn't matter how many twists and turns there are, you will never miss a beat when HE is guiding your footsteps.

This trip has been exciting and fast paced and stretching and WONDERFUL. I have spoken 3 times. Lifes have been touched fore er. I have 2 invitations to return. ! to do a 1 week conference next year! I was video taped at one church, and they hope to have it online soon!

When our steps are ordered by God, we can trust that He sees both the path and the destination and knows all diversions and delays that may be up ahead and has worked out the game plan to get you to the right place and at the right time. How freeing this kind of trust is!

He is forever faithful and gracious and loving. I remember as a baby Christian 30+ years ago crying out to God about a family member and being very concerned over somethings. I was asking a ton of questions about HOW God was going to get this person on the right track. God led me to a scripture in Thew Living Bible that said, " If God is directing you along the path, why do you question everything along the way?" That scripture has served me well, many times!

Today, I urge you to put your path into His GPS, and let the Holy Spirit guide you through the many changes along the path of life you are traveling. As Acts 16:31 Amplifed reads: "Take yourself out of your own keeping and put yourself into HIS keeping and you will be saved. And not you only, but your entire household." IT happened for me with that family member, and it will happen for you too.

God Bless, and God Guide you.

Love, Nancy

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