Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Marked By God

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
1) a seal 1a) the seal placed upon books 1b) a signet ring 1c) the inscription or impression made by a seal 1c1) of the name of God and Christ stamped upon their foreheads 1d) that by which anything is confirmed, proved, authenticated, as by a seal (a token or proof)

God takes great pains to mark us , both publicly and privately. IF we have ears to hear and eyes to see HIS markings, we will receive assurance, confirmation and encouragement from the Throne, unlike any that man can ever give us!

Not to say that we don't need and don't appreciate affirmations from fellow Christians. But there is one thing I learned early on in my Christian walk- Man can give you titles, and applause, and then can withdraw it, even yank it away abruptly if you fail to meet their expectations of what THEY want you to be and do. (Regardless of whether it is something that God wants for you at that moment or ever!)

But oh so sweetly and tenderly and sometimes persistently our God woes, and draws and marks us for His own! Case in point:

A dear friend of mine had to have hip replacement surgery quite unexpectedly. My schedule was crazy and I was without a vehicle for days. Finally (at the kairos- appointed, set time) I was able to go visit her. It was after my work shift, and I was tired and it was late- I wouldn't get to town until close to 9 pm and this was downtown and I had some hesitation to go alone. But since I could find no one to go with me, I pled the Blood and forged ahead for the sake of my friend. We talked and shared, she was SO happy to see me.

When I came out of the hospital it was quite dark, but a bird was singing. My heart leapt in recognition, for there is a long story behind me hearing a bird singing at night. Suffice it to say it was a very personal encounter with the Almighty the first time it happened 10 years ago. Immediately I questioned, "Abba, WHAT are you trying to tell me or show me? For I knew there was a message in this happening. So I put on my "expecters" to see what He would show me or tell me.

I bounced down the step past a young woman who was sitting on them. I do not know what made me turn back and look, but I did. She appeared to be crying. Immediately I stopped and asked her, "Are you alright?' Since it was a hospital my mind supposed perhaps a loved one was sick... She shook her head no. I came and sat down on the cement beside her. "You wanna talk?" Turns out she was heartsick. Engaged to be married, and 5 mos. pregnant she had just discovered he was cheating on her. She talked, I listened. Then I asked her if she had ever asked Jesus into her heart. Yes, she went to church. But the relationship with HIM was not where it needed to be... making choices not based on Word guidance or Word principles. And then the bird began to sing again.

See it is the male Mocking bird who sings at night. And he only does this when he is marking out his territory and wooing his mate to himself! "Listen!" I urgedher. "Do you hear that?" And explained about the Mocking bird. "Do you see? God is wooing you to Himself through this bird's song! He is telling you that He is marking you for His own. He wants you to live for Him and WITH HIM, not going your own way. He loves you, He is claiming you even now. He will take care of you and your baby, just give Him your WHOLE life and heart and trust Him! The Word of God tells us, He SINGS over us with Joy. How HE loves you!"

She let me pray for her and she looked a thousand times better when she got up to go back into work. I walked away feeling like the most privileged person in the world! To have been given such a gift, at just the right time to share with that hurting young woman was precious indeed. Even now I lift her before th Lord to continue to speak to her and draw her ever closer to Him.

He is no respecter of persons. He has little love gifts to share with you, things that mark and set apart YOUR relationship with Him. I have a friend who sees mini rainbows in the sky ALL the time. Little snatches and swathes of color - not whole arcs, just little dabs, like opals hung in the sky!

He gave His Holy Spirit to us the Word says, to seal us and keep us. What a gift and not to be disrespected or taken lightly by any means! He also wants to mark your life with Himself in a myriad of other ways as well, to speak to your heart and the hearts of others through you. Will you let Him? Will you listen and watch for those ways? Will you let Him love on you? Hark! Your Beloved calleth!

1 comment:

Carole said...

What a great testimony! Thanks for sharing it, Nancy.
Love and blessings, Carole
PS "Putting on your 'expectors" I like that!