Saturday, March 31, 2012

Faith versus Fear-Fly with Eagles Wings

"Fear opposes faith. You place limits on your faith so I take you as far as your limits. Have I been faithful to lead you thus far?"  (GOD)
Quote tweeted by Sandy Warner

"Fear freezes faith. Time to adjust your wings eagles!"  
Pastor Rusty Bowles
"Your Destiny is not anchored in your past."  
Pastor Rusty Bowles
"Mr Can't never did anything anyway."
Sally King-My girlfriend's Mom
"Even God has trouble driving a parked car!"
Nancy Hartman Minor (God told me this when I was 20.)

Word of The Lord:
Fear clouds your eyes and heart.  Faith gives you the
ability to see the possibilities! Come fly with Me. Soar on the 
Updraft of My Love. Rise up above the storms. Even as  My Word 
says they shall MOUNT UP with eagles wings... Isaiah 40:31
To "mount up" means to get on top of and ride like a rider upon a horse. 
It means to use a negative to spring board up and over, like a gymnast. 
To mount up means to ascend, to rise above. It means to fly into the face of the storm and to use it to your own advantage to go higher and higher.

Have I not said, I have seated you in heavenly places with Christ Jesus?  
My son broke the barriers and chains that would hold you back. He looked 
Fear in the face and cut off its head! So when it comes rages at you like a flood threatening to overwhelm and swamp you... remember it is a headless rider that has already been defeated.  So pick up your Sword and shield of Faith and knock him off his high horse!  

Beloved you dwell too much in the realm of feelings.  Regardless of how you "feel" or how it "seems,"  you must position yourself upon My Word and not be moved!

There will be those who will rail against you for taking such a stance.  Pay them no mind.  It will be to you they come to in the midst of their next storm, seeking your prayers and Godly advice!  There will be those who scoff and scorn, but secretly they hope for more and yearn to have what you have!  As much as they try to knock you off course, inside they are hoping you will stand and show them Me.

Beloved, number your days in such a way, that they see Me at the beginning, and the end and all the way through. For I hold you in My hand and watch the unfolding of My plan for you and it is my very Life that sees your through.  In ME you live. In ME you find breath and purpose. In Me is positioned your very BEING. 

ALL things are held together in Me.  When you feel like your world is falling apart... know it is just a little re arranging taking place.  Make room for My Glory.  Look to Me and be lightened, be settled and established.  Just as My Word is forever settled in Heaven, it must be forever settled in your heart and then when the enemy comes you too will say, the prince of this world comes but he has nothing in me. (John 14:30)

Beloved, rise up to the upward call. Just as I called to John to come up higher, I am beckoning to you.  There is much yet to do, and yet in a little while it shall be done!  Keep looking for the Glory of My Son! And as you spend that time looking into My Word, you will see more and more of His Likeness unfolding in thee, setting you free, to come and soar on the wings of faith in the heavenlies!

NEM © 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Divine Appointments by Brenda Craig

Divine Appointments
Posted By Brenda On March 30, 2012 @ 2:00 am In Word of the Day | 1 Comment
“And such some of you were [once]. But you were washed clean (purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin), and you were consecrated (set apart, hallowed), and you were justified [pronounced righteous, by trusting] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God” (I Corinthians 6:11 Amplified).
Word of the Day
Beloved, I am sending divine contacts, arranging everything down to even the indiscernible details. Have faith. Can you see the light of the stars traveling through the heavens? Can you see the fish swimming in the deepest fathoms of the ocean? Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. It is the same with all I am doing in your life. I am working on many fronts to bring things about.
It is important to see things from a heavenly perspective, not an earthly one. The Word I have spoken continues on and on like the light of many stars, traveling until it hits the object of its affection. In the days to come you must learn the principle of seeing from My perspective. You must learn to see from the position given to you in Me.

Yes, the door of heaven is open to you, over you and you are forever within heaven’s habitation. Keep on coming, keep on receiving without question or doubt. You will not be disappointed.

Do not give in to any seeds of unbelief. Do not look too introspectively at your own heart. Look at Mine and know you are in Me and I am in you. Only respond to conviction, not guilt. My conviction, never and I mean never, releases guilt or shame. Confess and move on in Me. I have freed you from the guilt of sin (1 Corn. 6:11).

Beloved, don’t keep Me waiting based on your wrong misconceptions or a need to produce some kind of penance. I have already paid the price. Accept this and move on. Time is short and I need you. You are an amazing part of an incredibly intricate plan. Right now at this very moment necessary contacts are being planned, divine appointments are being arranged. It is essential that you be there when they are revealed. Their time as well as yours has come…Read Complete Love Letter… [1]

Lord, You paid the ultimate price and made way for me to be where You are—to see things from Your vantage point. Many times I get discouraged because I can’t see with my eyes what You have spoken to me. I can’t see in the natural what Your Word says already is. Just as Your words “let there be light” continue on through the constant birthing of new stars, so shall the Word You have spoken over my life continue until it releases all You have planned.

I embrace the open door of Heaven and the position given to me in You, Lord. I refuse all doubt and unbelief. Negative words of men are of no consequence to me and they have no power when I embrace the truth. You paid the price for me and I accept the fullness of provision Your life has given to me. I accept Your perfect sacrifice and I move on to move in sync with You. Divine appointments await me and some have even come to me. My eyes are open and my ears attentive to Your voice; therefore, I will not miss one contact necessary to the fulfillment of Your plans for me or the ones I meet. My time and theirs has come. I am listening. Amen
Reflect and Journal
1. Reflect on the many people and situations the Lord has sent into your life to further your progress and bring you one more step into the fulfilling of destiny.
2. What promises have you let go by the wayside because you didn’t see what you expected when you expected to see it?
3. In what areas are you too introspective and have the tendency to give sway to guilt and shame? In what areas have you been walking in unbelief and are these areas connected in any way to guilt, shame or the need to pay penance in order to move on? Confess for not believing the blood of Jesus is enough. Release them. Expressing this in your journal will help you now and at a later date.
4. Reflect on the difference between guilt/condemnation and conviction. One speaks death and one brings freedom and life.
5. Take some time to walk to the open door of Heaven and listen. Do this by quiet worship with a heart to hear what Holy Spirit is saying, time to hear which Words He wants to bring to your remembrance.

Article printed from Journals of the Heart:
URL to article:
URLs in this post:
[1] Read Complete Love Letter…:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Awake Awake O Sleeper!

Awake Awake O Sleeper!
Awake Awake!
There's rumblings in the Spirit
It's time to shake awake!

Come My Love arise up and sit upon Your throne
Take your rightful stand beside Me as My Very Own
Ambassador, Warrior, Princess, Bride
For Your Redemption I bled and died!

I've taken you with Me to the that throne of Grace
I AM the Author and Finisher of Your Faith
It is time now to cast off all hindrance and run the race
So, touch now My scepter of Favor, and Take Your Place.

I've Graced you and sometimes chased you
with My Love, wooing you until you found ME
So awake. awake my sleeping love
Sit no more idly waiting, underneath that tree!

I Am Here, and the time is NOW for My Glory to be seen.  
But don't you know My Precious Love, 
I want to pour it out THROUGH thee!

So I am calling you, do you hear Me calling 
for you to awake from your sleep?
All My promises to you are Yes and AMEN, 
and My Promises I WILL Always keep!

© NEM 3-29-2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Will you Wait-Reflections and Response

Will I wait and keep the Faith- yes Lord, I will wait. I will keep the Faith.  Will I love you? The best I know how, teach me how to love you more!  Teach me Lord how to pour... Pour my love upon You.  Teach me Lord how to wait. Help me Lord lest I grow faint!  Teach me Lord, teach me how to wait...  

Then today in my email box I get this from Annetta: "Did you see this?"  And she posts Eileen Fisher's posting:

Corporate word March 13, 2012
“In My word, I have said “I will order the steps of the righteous.” Now I am releasing orders into your spirit. I am canceling man’s orders and I am releasing My orders. In my orders there will be power; there will be truth; there will be provision; and there will be purpose. In My orders there will be a plan that I will set before you. You will hear Me when I say ‘wait.’ As you are waiting, will [not] be a time of waste nor is it a time of want, but it is a time of tarrying in My presence. As you do, understand this: it is crucial that My presence tarries over you. Where you go then My presence will be upon you.
“I am calling a people to be in the now, the now of My word, the now of My obedience, the now of My plan, and My understanding. Now is the hour of deliverance. Deliverance to where I will deliberately send you into places. Some will be short assignments. You will merely go there to speak a word and it won’t even make sense to your natural man, your flesh, but it will be at My expense that I have sent my word forth. At other times I will send you to follow another and you will intercede and bring that agreement as one who would hold up My will in My temple. I will send you in for agreement. I will have others who will stand and be the pillars. Pillars who will come and tear through men's plans and make a deposit of My Glory upon the hearts and the minds of men over this city and over this nation. My nation will be reclaimed for My own glory,” said the Lord. “Households will be reclaimed for My glory,” said the Lord.
“Do not get tangled in the battle. Do not get tangled in the battlement warfare or even what you wear in the battle. Do not wear strife. Do not wear competition. Do not wear being driven. Understand I cause you to withdraw. As you withdraw as I withdrew to My Father, you will be withdrawing into Us to be empowered, to be released, to be sent forth but to be brought back. Always remember the anchor. The anchor is My presence. The anchor is Me being with you. The anchor is you being with Me. I would not send you forth, but I would say learn to tarry in My presence. Be not concerned whether you run to or fro, north, south, east west, but learn to tarry in the midst wherever you are standing. Where you are is where you are appointed,” says the Lord your God.
Love and Blessing, Eileen

Colorado Springs, CO
Weekly Meetings of the Holy Spirit
(All are welcome to attend, no registration fee)
Every Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Every Home for Christ, The Jericho Center
640 Chapel Hills DR
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Use upper entrance
Update and bad weather cancellation info, phone 719-272-7091
Also ministry update information is available on Eileen's face book, search for Eileen Fisher Colorado Springs, CO

Honor's Haven Resort & Spa, June 14-15-16
Ellenville, NY
Pastor Gayle Brown, Conference Host, for Woman’s Encounter 2012, invited Eileen to be one of  the guest that will minister. For complete information visit

Transcripts of Eileen's corporate prophetic words are listed on the Elijah List
and also on her website
The Elijah List also has a lot of Eileen's older corporate words.

To avoid Eileen's emails being filtered into your junk or bulk mail folder, please add her to your mailing list.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

God's Question to You-Will You Wait?

Will you love Me?  Will you wait?  
Will you trust Me and keep the Faith?
Will you love Me? Will you wait?
Will you be patient, no matter how long it takes?

Will you occupy until I come?
Unfolding the answer in My Son?
I know the thoughts I have for you-
Plans to bless you through n through!

Will you love Me if the answer's No?
Will you love Me if the answer's slow?
Will you wait for My perfect time?
Or will you walk away from this heart of Mine? 

I love you child more than you can yet know!
Teaching you to wait, helps you to grow.
When you leave the choice to Me,
My very Best is what I give to thee. 

Will you love Me?  Will you wait?  
Will you trust Me and keep the Faith,
as I work all things for your good?
I keep my promises as I said I would! 

Will you love Me?  Will you wait?  
Will you trust Me and keep the Faith?

© NEM 3-25-2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Delight in Him by Robert Hotchkin

Gene - a prophet: A Key - Delight in Him by Robert Hotchkin

For several years now, I have been overcoming what the professionals call an "incurable" illness, and contending for a miracle of healing. Not contending to be healed one day, but contending to see the full manifestation of the healing I know that I already have through the finished work of the Cross. It has been a glorious journey – full of ups and downs, breakthroughs and testimonies. And all the while the Lord has given me the grace to keep my eyes on His promises, and the faith to know that they are mine because of His sacrifice.

One of the many miracles along the way was during the last six months when the Lord connected me with an amazing doctor in Europe who was able to accurately diagnose what was going on, and create a course of treatment. Recently I arrived back in Europe for another round of treatments. My first morning here I was in prayer and the Lord spoke to me. He told me that my assignment while I was in Europe this trip was to learn to delight in Him – no matter what. He let me know that "delighting in Him" is a key that helps bring forth all of His promises when we are in the midst of a battle – to see what we know is ours come forth. He also spoke to me that this was not just a key for me, but for all of the Body of Christ while we are in this "entering-into" season of early 2012.

Knowing His Promises
Knowing God's Word, knowing His promises, and knowing that they are ours is very important. We must know what is ours through the Cross. We must know that everything pertaining to life and godliness HAS BEEN (not will be, but has been) given to us through Christ Jesus (2 Peter 1:3). But even more important than knowing the promises is to know Him who made the promises. Knowing His love and kindness and mercy and grace and generosity... Knowing His character and nature... Knowing that this Amazing Father of ours who gave His Son for us withholds none of His goodness, blessings or promises from us... ever! (Romans 8:32)

If you are in the midst of a battle right now, if you are contending for a promise of God, if you have been declaring and decreeing in faith, I want to say, "Well done, good and faithful one!" Every one of your decrees has had an impact. Every one of your declarations of His promises and His Word has made a difference. Well done! I also want to share with you the key the Lord shared with me: Delight in Him – no matter what! 

No matter what the doctor reports say. No matter what the bank statements say. No matter what the headlines say. Delight in the Lord! All of His promises are yes and amen! And all of His promises are for you. If you haven't seen them fully manifest yet, don't give into the temptation to despair or grow weary. Instead, take a moment from focusing on the promises and turn to the One who made them. Turn your eyes to Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face! Delight in Him. Delight in this One who has given us everything, who has done everything. Delight in the Lord who is faithful and true and good and loving and kind and generous. Delight in Him. No matter what! And all the rest of it will just melt away. I know. I am doing this every day, over and over again. And as I delight in Him, the One who has promised that I am healed by His stripes, it is so easy to believe and receive the promise with fresh faith and certainty – no matter what!

Probably the best known Scripture in the Bible about delight is Psalm 37:4 which reads, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Two phrases – one an instruction, the other a promise. Let's take them one at a time.

A Soft Heart is a Receiving Heart
"Delight yourself in the Lord." That word delight in the original Hebrew is "anag" which means "to be soft or pliable." When our circumstances are difficult, or we have been believing for a promise of God to come forth and it has not yet manifested when we think it should or the way we think it should, we can often suffer from disappointment and discouragement. This can cause us to harden our hearts toward God, giving into fear and lies like, "Well, He hasn't come through yet so maybe He isn't going to." But when we take our eyes off those circumstances and put them back on God, we remember what He is really like. We remember that He is loving and kind and merciful and gracious and generous and faithful and trustworthy – no matter what! When we stop trying to figure out what He is doing, and focus on what He is like, it becomes easy to delight in the Lord. And as we do, our hearts "anag" – they soften, opening back up to Him, and we are able to believe and receive again.

God Does Not Need to Be Bribed
The second part of the Scripture promises, "And He will give you the desires of your heart." The word give in the original Hebrew is "nathan" which has many meanings including "to bring forth." Psalm 37:4 is not a quid pro quo statement. God is not saying, "Okay if you first give Me delight then I will give you the promises you have been wanting." God is not holding out on us until we sweet talk Him with delight. Not at all! He is giving us a key to unlock those promises, to bring them forth!

We must always remember that God has already given us everything (2 Peter 1:3, Ephesians 1:3, Romans 8:32, Luke 15:31, Romans 8:15-17). The promise of Psalm 37:4 is not that if we give God delight He will give us the blessings we desire. The promise of Psalm 37:4 is that when we delight in the Lord we will remember what He is like, we will remember all He has done, and we will remember that He has already given us all that He promised through the Cross at Calvary. When we delight in the Lord, every hard place in our heart begins to soften, we begin to trust Him and His Word again, and then we are able to come back into a place of bold faith that looks beyond our circumstances to know His promises are true – no matter what! Our delight in the Lord actually works to bring forth what is already ours that a part of us had stopped trusting and believing for.

Victory Is Certain
Psalm 37:4 doesn't tell us to delight in our circumstances. It doesn't even say for us to delight in God's promises. It says to delight in the Lord! Jesus said in John 16:33 that we would often have challenges in this world, tests and trials. But He told us that when we do face times like that, we must remember that He has overcome the world for us. In other words, He was saying that when our circumstances are not delightful we are to remember Him who always is delightful, and as we delight in Him we will remember that no matter how things look right now, victory is certain because He has already secured it for us (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Delight is a key. Delight is a weapon. Delight is a refreshing cup of cool water after a long, dry spell of enduring in faith. Delighting in the Lord is its very own reward, and how marvelous that it also helps bring forth every other reward we have through our inheritance in Christ!

Robert Hotchkin
XP Ministries (Extreme Prophetic Ministries)


Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Book is Open and the Page Has Been Turned - Great Change is Coming!

Theresa Phillips: The Book is Open and the Page Has Been Turned - Great Change is Coming!
by Theresa Phillips   Mar 19, 2012

I was standing on the platform in service; the realm of the Presence was intensifying. I was listening to the worship leader, and I was harmonizing with him when, suddenly, I was keenly aware of a Presence that just happened to be standing next to me. I could feel the heat of breath upon me. I quickly turned my head to see.
I began to sing with all my hear – He was near. I knew the realm of worship was going higher. 

Then I stopped, and I heard an ancient book open and I heard the turning of a page. I could actually smell the paper; it was old, ancient; I felt like it was from another time.

I began to prophesy that a Presence was near me and a book was open and the Presence was turning a page in time. Yes, a fresh page was turning; a new chapter for the Church had begun! It is corporate, and it is intimate at the same time... I was lost in this Presence.

When the service had ended, a lady came to me and said, "I flew in, and I asked God to tell me a page had been turned, a new chapter in my life." I was overwhelmed by this and I was honored our Lord had heard her. But somehow I knew it was not finished. After days of sensing this dear, powerful Presence, I decided I would go back to that platform. I stood in the same spot, and I could feel that lingering Presence. This time, I looked again. I allowed my senses to experience whatever they needed to. I had to know.

I waited, then I saw a being dressed in a suit and tie; He had on a businessman's hat. He spoke to me and said, "I am about our Father's business; I am here to bring change. A good change, a Great Change. The page has been turned, and the book has been written since before time. And now the page has been turned."

Great Change is Coming
A new day, a new season, a new time has been released upon the Church, and many will begin to declare the moments of GREAT CHANGE! Immediately, I went into worship and I could sense He was drawing nearer and nearer. I was sure there was more, so I just loved Jesus, pressing into the Presence of the Kingdom. "More Lord! More Lord!" I cried in my heart, yet I could not utter a word. Without delay, He spoke to my heart with such lovingkindness.  All I wanted was to hear, to know.

Psalm 63:3 Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You.

Then He began to speak more: "Great change is coming. I am about to change the course of history. The Church is about to receive her King." We began to sing the Christmas carol, "Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room, let Heaven and nature sing, let..."

Then all was still, and He spoke again: "I have awakened My love with a nudge; I am whispering now into the ears of My Bride. Get ready, for many are about to release new devotional books, bright paintings, exuberant dance, fresh revelations from My throne room, and a new sound will be heard. I will have new notes played on old instruments. Get out that old guitar..."

I was thinking, as I heard this, I have heard all this before (my flesh was active); "Pour out Your spirit upon all flesh, Lord; on me"... when again, without delay, He spoke with clarity, "Theresa, this is not like the former; it is the latter, and many will see, not just a few, but many will see." 

"See what, Lord?" I cried. 
"Many will see the tangible glory that I have to release to the Body. I am releasing new glory, fresh signs and wonders, and you will receive it!"

O, how I began to cry in my spirit, "I am groaning with the earth to see this manifestation!"
"Help me, Lord! What shall we see?" I asked. I felt like I was so small and childlike.

"You will see many of the angelic guard enter the quadrangle of My Palace (a courtyard surrounded by a building or several buildings). This angelic guard will release directive for a new resurgence of soul winning."

Hebrews 1:13-14 (KJV) But to which of the angels said He at any time, "Sit on My right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?" Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Inside of my heart I felt a leaping and a shouting. I was overcome with great joy. All I could do from that moment was ask and ask and ask for the hearts of men to be open and to see the harvest ready. Teach me again what You want me to know! 

Then He spoke loudly, clearly with confidence, "Theresa, I am praying for My shall win and not fail."

Luke 22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

I cried aloud, "Strengthen me, O Lord!" I cried, "Strengthen me..." when suddenly, I began to weep, "Souls, dear Lord, souls." I knew then that a change had come and that His Presence is here to help us. He gives us strength, courage, grace, and conviction. I was thrilled a page had been turned and a fresh outpouring has begun. It was confirmed by one lady who had asked God to do this. How precious! I was also reminded this was not new to God; it was just fresh. How wonderful!

Thoughts From the Word
Here are some verses to think upon:

Psalm 20:2 Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion.

2 Timothy 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

I felt like the woman in Song of Solomon who cried in the streets, "Have you seen Him? Seen the one I love?"

Song of Solomon 3:3 The watchmen found me as they made their rounds in the city. "Have you seen the one my heart loves?"

Selah... Selah...
Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice

Theresa Phillips is the presiding Bishop of Praise Ministries. She recently formed The Encounter, a sub-ministry of PMI Glory Institute that reaches out to area churches to develop intimate relationships with Jesus. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.
Theresa Phillips' Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
April 20-21, 2012 (9:30am-5pm)
The Monarchy of Heaven - A Royal Priesthood
PMI Glory Institute
761 N 17th St, Saint Charles, IL
Contact: 630-377-5355
October 4-6, 2012
Women of Promise
"Our Father...Thy will be done..." Matt. 6:9-10
with Theresa Phillips and others
Tampa, FL

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Scent of Love

The Scent of Love

 Yesterday, I had a conversation with a woman who turned out to be a sister in Christ.  We chatted about some things and then she felt led to “leave me with a scripture,” as she put it.  That scripture was one I had written an article about way back in 2003!  As she quoted it, it brought tears to my eyes to hear someone speaking a truth that has been dear to my heart.  Then I remembered, Apostle David Carey had also spoken about this in Sunday’s message!  I was gladdened to be reminded and refreshed to hear it again from others, with their own flavor and aroma wafting through!  I realized that God was nudging me to republish that article!
 That truth is found in 2Corinthians 2:14-16.  Let's look at the scriptures and an updated version of that article I wrote back in 2003:
2Cor 2:14 (Amplified) But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ's victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere, 15  For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible alike] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing: 16  To the latter it is an aroma [wafted] from death to death [a fatal odor, the smell of doom]; to the former it is an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh].  
2:14-16a –(J.B. Phillips)  Thanks be to God who leads us, wherever we are, on his own triumphant way and makes our knowledge of him spread throughout the world like a lovely perfume! We Christians have the unmistakeable "scent" of Christ, discernible alike to those who are being saved and to those who are heading for death. To the latter it seems like the very smell of doom, to the former it has the fresh fragrance of life itself.
(Which begs the question to be asked, “what kind of smell do you give off?”)
2Cor. 2:14
"But to God be the thanks who in Christ ever heads our triumphal procession, and by our hands waves in every place that sweet incense, the knowledge of Him." (Weymouth New Testament 1912)
"In Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade.  Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ.  Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance.  Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation-an aroma redolent with life."  (The Message)
Redolent means:  Having or diffusing a sweet scent. Serving to bring to mind.  Having a strong distinctive fragrance. Aromatic, evocative, remindful, reminiscent of, smelling.

Do you remember as a little kid, or perhaps as a teenager, the first time you put on some cologne or aftershave?  Typically, being unfamiliar with its strength, we would douse ourselves in it, and someone would comment, "You stink to high heavens!  What did you do, take a bath in it?  Go wash some of that off."

Well, I think that many of us today are unfamiliar with the potency of God's love!  Here in this scripture it tells us that it is a sweet smell.  The King James uses the word  "savor", while Darby uses the word "odour."  Savor in modern vernacular, means to taste appreciatively. In King James it meant “smell or taste. To partake of the quality or nature of; or to have the appearance of.”   I don't think we realize that when we are walking in God's love, we are giving off an odor! It is a smell that brings Christ to the mind of the one smelling it.  It is the smell of love, the smell of life with Jesus.  It is a smell that evokes powerful feelings in those doing the sampling!  For if they are being exposed to God and they are on the road of destruction, their reaction will be one of two things:  they will turn towards the smell and be drawn to the aroma, or they will be repulsed like one is by a dead rotting carcass. If they are on the road of life, they will be refreshed and renewed and reminded of Him.  They will taste and see His goodness through our lives, by our actions, words and deeds!
So, we need to "douse" ourselves in Him!  Then we will have an aroma of Love that is unmistakable! Let's look at some of the definitions of love through a compilation of various translations of 1 Cor. 13: 4-7.    “Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous, emulous of others (competitive with) or conceited or proud. It doesn't sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant.  Love is not ill mannered or selfish or irritable; She does not behave unbecomingly, nor seek to aggrandize (embellish) herself, nor blaze out in passionate anger, nor brood over wrongs. Love does not keep a record of wrongs; Love is not happy with evil, It isn't happy when injustice is done, but is happy with the truth.  Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.   Love never gives up."  (Darby, GNB, GW, WNT)

I Cor. 13:1-8a - If I speak with the eloquence of men and of angels, but have no love, I become no more than blaring brass or crashing cymbal. If I have the gift of foretelling the future and hold in my mind not only all human knowledge but the very secrets of God, and if I also have that absolute faith which can move mountains, but have no love, I amount to nothing at all. If I dispose of all that I possess, yes, even if I give my own body to be burned, but have no love, I achieve precisely nothing. - This love of which I speak is slow to lose patience - it looks for a way of being constructive. It is not possessive: it is neither anxious to impress nor does it cherish inflated ideas of its own importance. -Love has good manners and does not pursue selfish advantage. It is not touchy. It does not keep account of evil or gloat over the wickedness of other people. On the contrary, it is glad with all good men when truth prevails. - Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen.  (J.B. Phillips)
And let's also look at a compilation  of Gal. 5:22-23  "The Spirit, on the other hand, brings a harvest of love, joy, peace; patience towards others, benignity (the quality of being kind and gentle), kindness, graciousness, benevolence; generosity, fidelity, good faith, meekness, self-restraint, goodness, longanimity (Good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence.)" (WNT, DRB, JBP.)

The Message puts it this way:  "But what happens when we live God's way?  He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard-things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely."

Wow!  No wonder people would be drawn to that kind of life.  And saints, that IS the kind of life we have when we have given Christ full rule and reign in our hearts, our minds, our words and our actions! And even though we are all prone to "missing it" here and there, we still have more life and sweet aroma exuding out of us than we can imagine!  It's our hands waving in the market place of this life that release that sweet smell.  It is our footsteps that people will want to follow and look to see where it will lead them.  And it should be our words of faith and love that they hang onto! 
All around, the world is screaming negative things! Remember in the latter times we are warned that people will be pleasers of themselves.:
“People will love only themselves and money. They will be proud, stuck-up, rude, and disobedient to their parents. They will also be ungrateful, godless, and lack normal affection for their families. People will be selfish and love money. They will brag, be arrogant, and use abusive language. They will curse their parents, show no gratitude, have no respect for what is holy. They will refuse to make peace with anyone. They will be slanderous, lack self-control, be brutal, and have no love for what is good.”   2 Tim. 3: 2-3 (Contemporary English Version and God's Word)

We are seeing this more and more in society today.  Is it any wonder then, when one of us who are God's vessels, comes into the life of someone who is hungry and thirsty for love, for truth, and for hope, that they are drawn to us?   Why should we be surprised?  And yet, many times we are!

We need to take very seriously that verse that says,  “But we have this treasure in a fragile vase of clay, in order that the surpassing greatness of the power may be seen to belong to God, and not to originate in us."  (Weymouth New Testament 1912) 2Cor.4:7

The Message puts it so succinctly,  “If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness.  We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives."

But God wants to make sure that they notice something is different, so HE puts the scent of love on us and in us.  Like a beautiful rose bush that is full of blossoms!

Now thank God for the precious Holy Spirit, who is busily at work in us, de-thorning any prickly points that may still remain!  So as He is at work both in us and through us for His good pleasure, others are being drawn by the "strong distinctive" fragrance, because we are redolent with life!  His life!

So what is it we are to do with this knowledge?  We are to have our spiritual antennas up and be alert to those that God will bring our way to minister to them.  And you can be assured, He will bring them!   How will you know if He's given you an assignment?  Here are some examples that may ring a bell. 
You are in the store shopping and not really paying attention to anyone, but then you notice this other person.  They keep looking at you! You think, "Gee is my blouse unbuttoned, or is something stuck in my hair?" They may look covertly, or openly.  They may smile, or seem puzzled or outright stare!  That is because they are being drawn, but they don't understand what is going on.  They are seeing the "light of Christ" and smelling the aroma of love with their spirit man.  (Yes, Virginia, everyone has a spirit man, whether they are saved or unsaved.)  It is that spirit man who is crying out for God. 
Perhaps you have a waiter or waitress who just keeps coming back to your table to see if you need anything else.  I mean service to the point that it is obvious that something else is going on here!  And something is going on! They are being drawn!
Or you step into your yard and three neighbor kids show up instantly to talk.  You're on assignment!  So engage yourself into their world.  Ask how they are, look for things to say good about them.  Love on them in the spirit and watch for the opening to plant Jesus.  You may not always get to give scripture, or say a prayer with them.  Be bold to leave them with a "Jesus Loves you and has a plan for you," or whatever God directs you to say and do.  Sometimes you only get to smile and send the word through prayer and ask God to water your seeds of kindness.  But, they smelled the fragrance!  Their spirit man was stirred.  God will put others in their path until they recognize the restlessness inside themselves is the real them yearning for the Real God!

So, go ahead!  Douse yourself and stink up the place with the scent of love!

Word of The Lord:

Beloved, I have put you in this world as a light not a tiny flickering matchstick, but a flame that burns brightly! And just as when my priests would throw the Holy incense upon the flame of my altar and a thick cloud and a heavy aroma would envelope the tabernacle, it is the same when the incense of your life is poured as a sacrifice upon the flame of my altar.  What ensues is a Divine aroma, a thick cloud of praise and intercession and a beautifying taking place.  The world does not understand this, but you my children who are called to be set apart ones, you are walking in this!  Your lives are that sweet smelling savor! Never once question if it is worth it, if you matter, if you make a difference.  Because the answer is yes, you do, you do!  So thank you for being willing. Thank you for being mold-able and pliable and responsive to my touch, my call, my voice.  Thank you for smelling like Christ, and giving off the aroma of Love! Thank you for your sacrifices. I do see them and they are recorded in Heaven.  I love you and I love how you make the world around you smell better. Keep it up dear one! I am well pleased.
©2003/2011  Nancy Minor
Translations used: Amplified Version, 1889 Darby, DRB/Douay-Rheims Bible 1899, GW/God’s Word, GNB/Good News Bible, and WNT/Weymouth New Testament 1912. JBP/J.B. Phillips 1958

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vision of Dancing with Jesus

 Hello Dear Ones,

 I wanted to share with you the vision I had 
as I was writing the poem, 
"Dancing The Dance of Life With My King."  
As I wrote and asked Him to speak to me in the poem, the next lines were directly from His heart and as the rest of the poem unfolded, I had this vision as I was writing:

As I wrote the poem, I could see me and Jesus dancing and as we twirled and danced, something golden that looked like stars and "gold dust" were created from our steps and went swirling and flying out from beneath our feet every time we stepped.

I sensed/knew that this Glory Anointing that was created as we danced was being sent out 
(into the atmosphere) and creating and changing things...actually causing situations and circumstances to be changed.

This was not reserved for just Him and I, but in the vision I was representative of any person who would come dance with Him...

I was pondering this vision to get the wording right to describe what I saw, and the very next morning Brenda Craig posted to her blog the devotion called the "The Big Dance."  

So naturally, I had to post it here as a continuation of what the Lord is speaking to us!  But I would be remiss if I did not share the behind the scenes part, which was this vision that I just shared with you. 

Truly there is a "rest" in dancing with Him!  It is effortless and sweet to glide in His arms across the dance floor of our lives.  If you have ever
waltzed or danced a minuet with someone, then you understand that Ballroom Dancing is an art and a thing of Grace and Beauty.  And so too, when we dance with Him there is a Grace and Beauty that exudes from our lives.  

For we do not bring a backpack onto the dance floor, or a suit case!  But rather we are dressed in beautiful attire as we rest lightly upon His arms and take our cues from His slightest and gentle touch, nudging us which way to go.

My friend Terri once coined a phrase that her sister and I really like.  It was this: 
"Dancing through the Darkness of this World 
On the Feet of Faith."

As we are in His Presence and at ease in His arms, trusting His instructions and signals, we can move effortlessly and with much grace, finding the path of our dance lighted by the Glory of His Countenance- He being the very Word which lights our way. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Big Dance Brenda Craig guest post

God is speaking to us about dancing, can you tell?  Here is yet another post on dancing, this one is from my friend Brenda...

The Big Dance
Posted By Brenda On March 6, 2012 @ 2:00 am In Word of the Day

Word Of The Day

Everything is about to shift and come up higher into My purposes…come up higher into the desires of My heart for you and for your life. All you have to do is dance with Me and I will do the rest. I know it’s hard to believe. After all, so many things are being said in this day and time. Do this! Do that! Could it be as simple as just doing what I tell you to do…what I tell you personally to do…what I tell you and no one else? Yes, it is that simple.
As we dance this dance of life together…this dance of the bride and the Bridegroom, I will whisper in your ear and say go this way or that. I will tell you what to say and when to say it or to say nothing at all.
I will tell you how and when to do something or do nothing at all still…when to hold on…when to let go…when to be quiet…when to speak out loud. Therefore, you must believe, trust and have hope. You must have fun, rest all while walking in faith. You see, doing only what I say…following in My steps…following My lead is all it takes. I am decking Myself with garland and I adorn you with jewels (Isaiah 61:10 [1])
How simple is that? The simplicity and power of My truth sucks the life out of the often complicated and convoluted perception of serving Me and leaves you with the byproduct of joy…fills you with gladness as You come before Me with singing (Psalms 100:2 [2])
How good is that? It is good…so very good…in fact…it is the very best. So, let go and follow My steps all the way into the ballroom…all the way to the “Big Dance”…Read Complete Love Letter [3]
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul will exult in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. (Isaiah 61:10 [1] Amplified


Lord, all adverse circumstances are submitting to Your will as I learn to love the way You love. How freeing to just do what You say whether it be simple or complex. No matter what, You give me the right amount of grace and wisdom to befit every need. You are my ever-present help in trouble. You rejoice when I rejoice. You comfort when I am sad. You encourage when the race is hard and I feel faint. You renew my strength.
Your truth sets me free and takes the power and life out of any opposing foe or circumstance. You infuse me with joy in the process of being with You. All it takes is to follow step by step…not mile by mile…just step by step. I am following You intently from floor to floor all the way to the “Big Dance”. Amen

Reflect and Journal

1. Listen carefully! Once you realize where you may or may not be stuck (you may just be hanging out awhile…timing is everything) and ask the Master of the Dance what He is saying…what step He wants you to take next? Don’t try and complicate things or find a big theological answer. It could be a very simple…hold on…rests…trust or you fill in the blank________________. Just because it is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t right. Sometimes in this performance based world we live in we come to believe everything has to be a 12 step process. Not that there is anything wrong with 12 steps. Just don’t get locked into performing and just be and obey.
2. You can grab onto something else unless you let go of what you are holding on to. Reflect on this and journal your thoughts.

Article printed from Journals of the Heart:
URL to article:
URLs in this post:
[1] Isaiah 61:10:
[2] Psalms 100:2:
[3] Read Complete Love Letter:
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source and website information for Brenda Craig and Journals of the Heart is included.
©2008 Spirit Food for Life Ministries. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 5, 2012

He Wants it All Today

I had the privilege this weekend of watching our friend's teenage daughter perform a dance with her dance team to this song. She choreographed and directed it completely by herself, based on a vision of the dance the Lord gave her.  What a joy it was to see this young lady as she is budding into a prophetic dance worshiper!  I spoke with her father and mother who are long time friends of ours and encouraged the Dad especially to take seriously and to guard and encourage the emerging Heart of Prophetic Worship in seed form that is in his daughter. I've known her since she was preschool and now she is in 9th grade, with a heart that is ablaze with Worship to the King.  What a joy it was to watch her little dance troupe and to speak with her and into her life afterwards.

My husband went online and found the song that they danced to, (thanks Tommy Bear!) and so I share it here with  you, along with an exhortation to watch for the seeds of God's calling in your children and the children around you.  It is very important that we speak life to them and over them and nurture the seeds that God has already planted with in them, that they come forth into a harvest of Prophetic Destiny.

Enjoy this song and Give Him your All TODAY!

There's a voice that cries out in the silence,
Searching for heart that will love Him,
Longing for child that will give Him their all,
Give it all, He wants it all. 

There's a God that walks over the earth,
He's searching for heart that is desperate,
And longing for child that will give Him their all,
Give it all, He wants it all, 

And He says, love Me, love Me with your whole heart
He wants it all today.
Serve Me, serve Me with your life now
He wants it all today.
Bow down, let go of your idols
He wants it all today (x4) 

There's a God that walks over the earth,
He's searching for heart that is desperate,
Longing for child that will give Him their all,
Give it all, He wants it all 

And He says, love Me, love Me with your 
whole heart
He wants it all today.
Serve Me, serve Me with your life now
He wants it all today.
Bow down, let go of your idols
He wants it all today (x4) 

Oh oh oh, all of you, more of you
Wants it all today (whole thing x3) 

He wants it all today, He wants it all today
So give it all. 

There's a voice that cries out in the silence,
Searching for heart that will love Him,
Longing for child that will give Him their all,
Give it all, He wants it all.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dancing the Dance of Life With My King

Over and Over my heart sings
You are my Everything
How blessed how wonderful a thing
My life is, because I belong to You My King!

You are my every dream come true
My All in All is found in you
You fill my heart and make me complete
As I wait on you and sit at your feet.

Pain may come and tears too
But Your love will always see me through
To You and You alone I cling
My Saviour God, Lord and King.

My Bridegroom it is You I seek
Oh My Lord, come to me now and speak!
Let me hear the beat of your heart,
From Your Presence I never want to depart.

Come my love and be by My side
For you are my Cherished Bride.
For you my own heart longs
Yearning to fill you up with Loves own song!

I woo you every night as you sleep
And each day guide your way upon the street
I guard you with My angels strong
It is I my Love, who gives you a song,

So sing the song I've given you to sing
Your life is a melody- a beautiful thing
I have give your life Purpose and Grace
I renew your strength as you seek My Face.

So come My love spend time with Me
I'll show you things that are yet to be!
Then you shall speak with Divine Authority
Calling them forth into Prophetic Destiny.

With Prophetic Vision for your eyes
We shall dance through Life You and I
It's The Dance of Life, as we twirl and spin
Releasing new life, with out and with in.

It's a Kingdom Dance by The King and Queen
Through which My Royal Reign shall be seen
On the feet of Faith as you bow and go
It's my good pleasure for my Glory to Show.

Our hearts entwined in a blaze of love
We will call to others to rise above
Let the Wind of My Spirit Carry thee 
So rise up my love come away with ME.

© NEM March 4, 2012

Song of Solomon 2:10  My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.  

Romans 5:17 (WNT)  For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ.