Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Chambers of My Love: Behind the Veil!

Posted with permission of Henry Falcone. First posted on Open Heaven 11-7-11

Brother Henry's post speaks so much of things that God has been speaking to me and through me.  I thought I would share his post with you. May you be blessed and drawn closer to Christ!

My beloved Love, Come and live with me in my chambers. "Oh my King, bring us into your chambers, is the cry of my bride. I have so many things to reveal to you that is on my mind that I must place within you.. Let my mind be in you, let my thoughts be your thoughts and my ways your ways.

The oneness I desire with you begins with my thoughts filling your thoughts and my ways filling your ways. This is not a theory, but the very life of my being bringing my glory in you and through you.  There is a unity of thought and action that we must have for the days that are approaching.

My thoughts are going to guide you in the ways of truth. My thoughts are going to provide for you, care for you, guide you and lead you in the way of true righteousness and holiness. My desire is to guide you with my own eye.

This will take a much deeper intimacy than you have realized.

I want to guide you with my whisper. I want you to know the nod of my head, so that I was in the World so shall you be. I desire you to become the reflection of my glory that you desire. You must truly understand not in your intellect or your emotions but in the depth of your being, we must be one.

We must truly be one as my Father intended from the beginning of creation. Not in theory, not in emotions, but in the reality of the Glory of Heaven. I in you ,you in me, that we would be one. The two shall become one. A oneness that can never be broken or corrupted. A love that is perfect between us. This is my Glory being revealed to all those who will come and be with

I have so much I must speak and impart to you now. I have much that I have to speak to your heart from my burning presence, but I can't do that if you allow other things to come and fill the time you need to be with me. I so desire you my love. More than you can ever, ever imagine.

I desire to fill you with my richest and deepest presence that you would know the very words I speak will burn from my heart to your heart. That my words would be in you as SPIRIT AND TRUTH in you. That my words will be fulfilled in your life, your family and the lives of those I am sending you to.

The oneness I desire with you starts with our thoughts and my plans filling your very being. This is what truly "living together" means. It means we share our thoughts and desires like a husband and a wife. It means that we are both united in one purpose and one plan, just as I am and always will be united with my Father and His plans.

I know it may seem to you today to be impossible to do. I know you hope I will do it, or someday I will do it, but I say behold Now FAITH IS! I am not going to do it my love, I have done it. It is finished! Only when you come and live behind the veil, only when you come and live with me in my chambers can the "it is finished" become your life's experience.

I know you love me. I know you want this, but you can't allow your failures, your shortcomings keep you from pressing on to the prize of the high calling of God. I have made a way for you to be one with me. I have made a way to fill your entire being with my thoughts and plan. It is a new and living way, the veil of my flesh. As you enter in through my blood and through my flesh, you find the entrance to my chambers. The mysteries of all mysteries.

My chambers is where I desire for us to live so we can truly become one. One in heart, one in thoughts and one in purpose. There is no other way to be one with me unless you come through the veil that was torn in two into the very realm of my Glory.

In that Glory I change you, your thoughts, your mind, and your will, will be totally mingled with my will and my plans. It is behind this veil where our hearts will be together as one. It is here my thoughts will BECOME YOUR THOUGHTS AND MY WAYS WILL BECOME YOUR WAYS!

I want to change you from glory to glory so you will know my whisper. I want us to be one so you will know that I moved without me even speaking to you like a well trained horse knows the movement of his master.

I want to guide you with my own eye. This is the deepest place of intimacy between us we can ever have when my own eyes are guiding you. This is where we live together as onw. This is what i will reveal to you in my chambers. My Chambers are where the "two shall become one."

So please don't stay away from me. Come in your weakness. Come in your emptiness. Come in your neediness, and I will fill you with my Glory and lift you up to the very chambers I have prepared for you. Here we abide together in my will, my thoughts, my plans. In my chambers you will learn how to become with Me in reality and do those very things on earth as they are done in heaven.

I am waiting my love for you to come up higher. I am waiting for you to allow us to be one as I desire for us to be. Then your mind will be renewed. Then you mind will be new. The our minds and thoughts will be one just like mine our with my Father. Then you new creation live will manifest in life in power and dominion. Then there will be a witness of my Glory in every thing you say and do. Then the nations shall see my Glory filling the whole earth.

Come my love, my fair one, and come away with me. I have a place for you beside me, a place for you with me, and a place of our abiding together that your soul has longed for. Come and take my hand today and allow me to take you to the chambers of my love and burn my love, my thoughts and plans in you so we will be one forever and ever.

Edited by Henry Falcone on
11/07/2011 at 7:33am
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Beloved's of the Lord,

I thought it important for those who read these post that I feel God is giving me to give a "frame of reference" of how the Lord has revealed Himself and still does reveal Himself in our ongoing relationship.

The Lord has taken me on a journey of pursuit that I can only reference from the book of the Song of Solomon. I realize that we are all different parts of the Body of Christ and each one develops a relationship with the Lord uniquely with them, but built upon the same sure foundation in Christ.

My journey has been very similar to the journey the King takes the Shulamite woman to truly desire Him and be changed by experiencing the depth of the Kings love. In that love she learns how to become "willing(ly) submissive" to His desires and to His ways...

The Song of Solomon portrays to us the intimate desire that our Lord Jesus Christ desires to have with us. It is above working for Him, doing things for Him, it is what Love truly desires, TO BE LOVED AND TO GIVE LOVE!

The Shulamite woman is taken on a journey to develop an intimate relationship with the Lord where He awakens her love for Him alone by taking her out of her self life by allowing the circumstances of her life to create a deeper desire for Him alone.

She is taken out from the "daughters of Jerusalem" the "church proper" that have a knowledge of the Lord  as to be "used for his work to satisfy His heart," to be singularly taught by the Lord Himself to desire Him alone and meet the true need of His heart.

Song of Solomon 1 verse 6-7 speak of her working hard for the Lord in the church, but her "own vineyard" she hasn't kept. That speaks of "the relationship of intimacy with Him as a Person has been neglected.

Verse 6 "[Please] do not look at me, [she said, for] I am swarthy. [I have worked out] in the sun and it has left its mark upon me.  Verse 7 My stepbrothers were angry with me, and they made me keeper of the vineyards; but my own vineyard [my complexion] I have not kept."

There is an intellectual knowing of someone like a friend or co worker that has some degree of intimacy in it, but then there is the relationship of intimacy only a husband and wife can know.

The bible says, Adam "knew" His wife. That knowing was a complete submerging of the "two becoming one" physically, emotionally and spiritually. This is a picture of the type of intimacy the Lord desires for us I believe and the scriptures support.

That is why marriages are so attacked today, because they were supposed to be the "natural picture" of the relationship that God so desires for us to have through our Lord Jesus Christ. When Satan can destroy the picture of the family, or the marriage, he destroys the "natural picture" of what God desires with us "supernaturally." I am sure you have seen in this nation a desire to "change the meaning" of the term marriage from being between a man and a woman to become a relationship between two men or two women of the same sex.

Beside the morality of it being an abomination to God, it is worse than that. It is an abomination to destroy the "picture of God and man" and the intimate relationship we are to have with Jesus as our Bridegroom King.

Intimacy and oneness can only be experienced from God's perspective in this natural realm between a husband and wife, and Paul teaches us the importance of this relationship as a "picture of God's desire with us," and he calls it a "mystery between Christ and His church. "

Ephesian 5: 31-33,

31 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

32 This mystery is very great, but I speak concerning [the relation of] Christ and the church.

33 However, let each man of you [without exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].

He says in verse 32 " this mystery is very great, but I speak concerning the relationship between Christ and the church. That relationship is not supposed to be just a "work relationship" or even a head knowledge relationship between the man and woman. It is intended to be an intertwining relationship where the two becoming one. They become a "family." A family that can bring forth fruit or offspring that reflect the marriage.

We will never be God, but we surely can become one with Him. Us in Him and Him in us. Just as a husband and wife can experience the totally of them becoming one with their spouse, but never become the other person.

They can become one in heart, purpose, plan, spiritually, physically and emotionally as one as God has made them to be, yet still 2 different people but one. (A little picture of the John 17)

The Song of Solomon is a beautiful picture of what our developing relationship with the Lord is to be as His Bride. Like many in the Body of Christ who have come to the end of "knowing the Lord by working for him alone, she begins to see a new revelation of His person.

It's starts with a revelation in her heart, "I am doing all this work for you, but do I really know you the way you desire. I am still left empty inside. There must be more of you but I have done all this work but, "My own vineyard, I have not kept."

This is what happened to me and why I am explaining it now so you know the "point of reference" I have in the knowledge of the Lord and how He may speak to me and through me. It is not better than anyone else, it is just the relationship that God has revealed to me and in me up to this point in my life.

I have not arrived in any manner, and I don't even really want to write this reply, but I am endeavoring to keep the bond of peace and the Spirit of unity amongst the Family of God the best I know how. Also to try to avoid any confusion by what God is giving me to write.

One of our God given rights in our new life in Christ is to "test and judge all the things we see, hear and experience through the Holy Spirit's gift of discernment. "The Spirit bares witness with the Spirit of what is and what is not of God."

So please feel free to examine what I write in light of that God given right as I am free to use as well for what I read, see or experience through others. What a beautiful God we serve. So we can compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things in the Holy Spirit.

The Shulamite comes to the end of her being filled by "working for the Lord alone, and she begins to desire Him more than just going to church, or just working for him in some ministry and all the other "religious
activity" she did for Him.

This new desire in her heart brings forth a very important 3 fold prayer found in Song of Solomon chapter 1:4 She prays: Draw me! We will run after you! The king brings me into his apartments (his chambers).

Draw me is a "cry" for intimate fellowship with the Lord. "We will run after you is "the totality of her being, body, soul and mind" now in pursuit of truly knowing Him as he desires. "The king bring me into His chambers" is the place of total intimacy as on a Honeymoon night with your bridegroom where the "two become one."

This speaks of a relationship that is heart to heart and from place to place. On earth as it is in heaven.  This is the desire of the Lords heart found in Rev. chapter 3:20 where He is standing at the door of the "church age"  and addresses not one of the seven churches anymore, but to the individuals in the Body of Christ and says to "anyone that can hear, " I stand at the door and knock if anyone hear my voice and opens the door and lets me in, I will come and sup with them and they will sup with me."

This happens at the end of the church age as we know it. There is no where else for the church age to go during this dispensation until chapter 4:1 When John who is in the Spirit on the Lord's day, gets caught up deeper in the Spirit and hears, "come up here, so I can show you the things to come."

This knocking is take us from the church age into the Kingdom age that is now beginning to manifest on the earth. Two prophetic days happening at the same time. The closing of the 6th day and the opening and revealing of the 7th day.

That is why the Song of Solomon is so important. In Rev 19:7 "the Bride has made herself ready and she is permitted to wear the fine line garment which are the righteous acts of the Saints.

So there is an intimacy with God that goes beyond space and time and anything we have ever known. What is this supping with us and us with him in relationship that will lift us up into a higher identity with our Lord. This is the "mystery I speak concerning Christ and the church," Paul wrote to us about. 

The closest living natural example for us to see of the desire God has for us is the picture of the husband and the wife, the bride and the bridegroom. In this natural human relationship of the husband and wife, God "gives us the way" into His heart to see the deep abiding relationship He desires for us.

To gain that access to His heart the Song of Solomon points the way. The Lord must deal with that self life of desiring the Lord for any other reason except He is worth desiring.

In the beginning of our new life in Christ, we desire the Lord to "meet our needs." This is absolutely normal and accepted by the Lord. He wants to reveal to us His love, care and His ability to provide for us. But He also doesn't want us to remain babe only drinking the milk of His word.

The Shulamite woman finds the Lord on this level in chapter 2. She sits under the apple tree and she says, "feed me with flaggons and raisins." She is content in knowing the Lord as "meeting her needs." You could call this a selfish type of love between her and him, because she is desiring him for "what He can do instead of just for who He is. Our children do that to us and it is normal for a while, but we expect them to grow beyond seeking us "just to get" something from us.

 In Chapter
2:16 she says, "My beloved is mine and I am His." This means she seeking Him for her own needs first. "He feeds her under the apple tree with raisins and apples and declares, "His banner over me is love."

In our beginning walk withe the Lord, He does not mind this infancy relationship, but He must teach her to stop seeking Him just for things but to desire Him for who He is alone.

He then takes her on a journey of how to "know Him" as a person. Many people know the presence of God, but few know His person in reality. After dealing with her heart issues and commending her for her desire for Him alone. He helps her to begin to see the "self life" that is in the way of her true desire for Him. He allows testings and trials to come to awaken that "love for Him alone" by allowing her to make right and wrong choices. Each teaching her what she needs to learn in knowing Him.

I don't have time to go to in depth here, but for those who are reading these posts, I hope it will explain the frame of reference that God has worked in me.

As she allows the Lord to deal with her self life and the reasons she is slow to respond to His person, He begins to stir up the flames of love for Him alone. Midway through the book, she has developed a new sensitivity to His desire for fellowship with her.  He brings her to a 60 fold maturity level verses the 30 we just read about in chapter 2. A good portion of her life has come under some submission to His love and His desires for her life.

She is now seeking Him first for Himself, but still has some of that remaining self life in her to seek Him for her needs.  She makes some progress in her spiritual growth and testifies of it by saying in chapter 6 verses 2 and 3:

"She replied, My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens and to gather lilies I am my beloved's [garden] and my beloved is mine! He feeds among the lilies [which grow there].

Now the Lord is first (I am my beloveds), but her needs are still quite important, (and my beloved is mine) but there is a change. She now knows she belongs to Him first. She has hasn't arrived to the 100 fold yet, but He plans on allowing further dealings and testings until she is "completed" or she understands the "Omega side of God." The finisher.

When the Lord completes His work in us, we will have a new testimony because we know longer "live for ourselves, we have been crucified, but nevertheless we live, but not I, but Christ lives in me. This testimony is found as a "group of overcomers" in Revelation chapter 5:9-10,

"And [now] they sing a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation. And You have made them a kingdom (royal race) and priests to our God, and they shall reign [as kings] over the earth!

In the heart of a bride that same testimony would speak like this is found in the Song of Solomon when the self life has been put away in her life. She has been made complete and has the overcoming testimony as found in Rev. 5 but personalized to Him alone as her Bridegroom.  Song of Solomon 7 verse 10: She proudly said] I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me!

Now her "knowing the Lord has become "true intimacy" with the Lord like Adam knew His wife.  Her testimony speaks not of a "place"but as being together as one. "I am my beloveds, and His desires is toward me." Another words, His desires are my desires. My desires are His desires! His thoughts are my thoughts and His will is my will. Only after this testimony is she "given the right" to tend the vineyard. (That is a word isn't it)

Song of Solomon 7:11-12, She said, Come, my beloved! Let us go forth into the field, let us lodge in the villages.mLet us go out early to the vineyards and see whether the vines have budded, whether the grape blossoms have opened, and whether the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give you my love.

Do you see this beloved? This is the first time she says, "let us." She is not leading the Lord and telling Him what to do. He is now speaking as one with her. They are together as one! Let us go forth... Let us lodge in the villages... Let us go out early... there I will give you my love.  I could write forever on that alone, but I won't.

Notice the together with the Lord in her speaking. She is not "working for the Lord." She now lives with and in the Lord and the Lord in her and that is where "I will give you my love." Paul calls this the "mystery of Christ and His church.

I think if we try to limit the Lord to "where he dwells and how he dwells" in trying to intellectually explain it we lose so much. Remember, not many wise man or nobles are chosen, but God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. God had to make this developing relationship simple with us. We as men have made it so complicated I am afraid to report.

If we are not careful we can miss the "reality or experience" of this relationship like the Pharisee's in Jesus day. They knew the scriptures, but they couldn't see Him as the Messiah.

So there is a "seeking of the Lord" that is more than just information, plans, strategies, prayer and other stuff. Not that we should not study the Word of God, no matter of fact we must meditate on it day and night. But it becomes our life's experience when we "wait upon Him" to teach us their true meaning as spirit and truth and for meat for us to eat.

This seeking of the Lord in becoming married to him and becoming truly one with Him is "the deepest expression of what love is." The Shulamite woman says in Song of Solomon 3:1-4,

1: In the night I dreamed that I sought the one whom I love. [She said] I looked for him but could not find him. 2: So I decided to go out into the city, into the streets and broad ways [which are so confusing to a country girl], and seek him whom my soul loves. I sought him, but I could not find him.
3: The watchmen who go about the city found me, to whom I said, Have you seen him whom my soul loves? 4: I had gone but a little way past them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me."
Is that the passion in our hearts tonight for Him beloved? Is there any other love that compare to this kind of love burning in us for Him? How does meet the need of His heart? Is this what He is truly longing for?"
Let us read the Kings reply to her in closing. I hope this gives you a reference point of how God give me to write about Him and His love. You don't have to agree, it is just who God has made me to be at this point. I put this on no one else or even present this as "opposed" to something else. It is just a point of reference.
It is a testimony of the burning love in my heart to know this God, our Lord Jesus as a Bride would desire her husband and be pleasing to him in every way. That is my desire.
Read these most beautiful words of our Bridegroom King to His Bride to be: Song of Solomon 4: 7-11:
7: He exclaimed] O my love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you! Come away with me from Lebanon, my [promised] bride, come with me from Lebanon. 8: Depart from the top of Amana, from the peak of Senir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards.
9: You have ravished my heart and given me courage, my sister, my [promised] bride; you have ravished my heart and given me courage with one look from your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. 10: How beautiful is your love, my sister, my [promised] bride! How much better is your love than wine! And the fragrance of your ointments than all spices!
11: Your lips, O my [promised] bride, drop honey as the honeycomb; honey and milk are under your tongue. And the odor of your garments is like the odor of Lebanon.
Here are a few more foundational scriptures the Lord has burned in my heart:

John 17:3  And this is eternal life: [it means] to know (to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with, and understand) You, the only true and real God, and [likewise] to know Him, Jesus [as the] Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah), Whom You have sent.


May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,
18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];
19 That you may really come to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!
In His love always,
Henry J.Falcone

1 comment:

Rev. Olu said...

Awesome and mind-blowing! I am so blessed. this has also thrown a big challenge for a deeper depth to reach into as I seek to know more about Him. The need to tarry in His presence and soak-in in it has become more pressing on me very lately for I know that He's got something to show me.
In the next few hours I'll be preaching at the second day/session of our annual Yeshua Convention here in Ibadan, Nigeria and I'm deeply challenged in my spirit!
Thank you for sending this word.


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