Monday, December 12, 2011

What Do You Confess Over Yourself?

Do you have negative or positive things to say about yourself?  Sometimes we get in a rut and keep saying the same old thing.  Like "I'm so tired" instead of "The joy of the lord is my strength!"   I challenge you to create some positive, God-centered, Word centered phrases and say them over yourself this week!
Here are some to get your started concerning The Word and You:
  1. I declare I desire to lead a Christ Centered Life.
  2. I submit my whole life and my will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 
  3. Daily I choose to put God's Word first in my life.
  4. I am a Word person!
  5. The Word is my measuring stick and my Guide.
  6. I thank you Lord for preparing and opening unto me treasures                    from Your Word.
  7. I confess my heart is fertile soil and my spirit and soul are                       pliable in Your hands.
  8. Thank you for molding and shaping my life and making it                                 a sign and wonder for YOU!  
Now, think of some scripture based ones and write them down and SAY them OUTLOUD over yourself and watch the change that happens!
Love you.

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