Monday, December 5, 2011

Ripe for the Picking

Song of Solomon 2:15

(AMP) [My heart was touched and I fervently sang to him my desire] Take for us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards [of our love], for our vineyards are in blossom. 

(MSG)Then you must protect me from the foxes, foxes on the prowl, Foxes who would like nothing better than to get into our flowering garden. 

Ripe for the picking” is a decidedly American colloquialism although there may be corresponding phrases in other cultures and languages.  It is the language of flim-flam men and con artists.  It signifies that they have pinpointed someone that they feel is vulnerable and naïve, therefore an easy target for a scam! Not a nice scenario at all.  But, in gardening, it means that the fruit or vegetable is ripe, fully mature and ready now to be harvested.  
But there is a spiritual as well as a natural application here. In the natural, there is a couple of critical junctures or times during the growing season, when the crop is most vulnerable.  The first being when the first blade of the seed presses through the soil into the light.  The roots are not yet deep and the whole plant is extremely fragile. It must be protected.

The other time is when it is flowering.  This is when pollination takes place and the fruit (or vegetable) is being set.  If the blossoms are destroyed, or the branches during this point there will be no fruit that year.

In Song of Solomon, the maiden is imploring her love, to protect their flowering garden from the little foxes so that it won’t be spoiled.  This is at once both practical and spiritual – an allegory if you will. 

The little foxes are actual foxes that live in Israel. They are smaller in size than the American Red Fox.  Probably a little know fact about foxes is that they are omnivorous, and opportunistic hunters. That means that although they like meat, such as moles, voles, grasshoppers and crickets, as well as small mammals and birds, they will eat seeds, nuts, berries and fruit!  They will even pilfer food from garbage cans! 

So, the maiden is concerned about their vineyards, with good reason!  Chasing voles and moles which burrow into the ground, and trying to dig them up in a vineyard will not only disturb the flowers, but destroy the roots of the vines, possibly killing the entire plant. The little known fact, I spoke of, is that foxes have a sweet tooth! They love honey, strawberries and grapes! The older foxes can adeptly pluck the grapes from the vine, but the younger ones actually would tear out the entire vine, thus destroying future crops as well.  No wonder she was concerned about the vineyard being ravaged by these little foxes!

In the natural and spiritual, you have some harvest that is ripe for the picking!  You have planted seed, you have watered it with your prayers and you have spoken words of Faith.  You have applied yourself at your job, you have studied hard in school… There IS a harvest from your labors. But, beware of the little foxes that want to spoil your vines. 

The word spoil in the Hebrew means this: to destroy, spoil, deal corruptly, offend, to spoil, corrupt, offend, to be ruined, to be broken, to pervert, withhold.

What are these little foxes that come into our lives, to steal our fruit, and destroy our harvest?  I will point out some to you, and I suggest that you seek God to have Him reveal your specific ones!  Little foxes in the Spiritual are petty annoyances, grievances, and offenses that come to try to cause you by your own actions to undo the works of Faith that you have been standing in. These actions include speaking negatively, losing one’s temper, being snared in unforgiveness and bitterness, or being tempted to act corruptly to get dishonest gain or advantage.  Other little foxes are distractions, false responsibilities that cry out that you should take them on, and busyness that keeps you from spending quality time with Your Beloved and King- the Lover of your soul.

Song 8:6-7 (MSG)  Hang my locket around your neck, wear my ring on your finger. Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell. The fire of love stops at nothing-- it sweeps everything before it. Flood waters can't drown love, torrents of rain can't put it out. Love can't be bought, love can't be sold-- it's not to be found in the marketplace.

Guard your Love Walk in the Lord against the little foxes! Remember the Fruit of the Spirit! Keep an eye on your harvest!  Whatsoever a man sows that he will also reap. Gal. 6:7 If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated. Luke 6:38

The enemy has sent little foxes to you.  He also wants to sow tares into your field.  He wants to discourage you and pull you off track.  Don’t let yourself become “ripe for the picking” by the enemy. In due season you WILL reap, if you faint not. So be strong, be alert, keep your armor on, and walk in Love so your Faith will keep on working. This is a now word for you.


Olu said...

Thanks for the Word, Mama. I ain't gonna be ripe for the enemy's picking in Jesus' name! I forbid all forms of vulnerability and susceptibility in my life. The Fire of the Holy Ghost shall destroy all the little foxes in my life in Jesus' name. Amen.

Pastor Philip said...

Hi dear sister Nancy how are you doing? greetings from India Pastor Philip
How is your ministry we are praying for you
Thank you so much for sending mails and beuityfull songs,
Merry Christmas to you , even we are praparing for christmas In India along with Orphans chiristmas

Raymonda said...

Thanks for the Word, Nancy… Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” This post reveals some of his schemes and tricks, wiles, that sometimes aren’t recognized as such! Thank God for the light of the Word that EXPOSES these things, and, if we truly love our Beloved, our hearts DO cry out that He “protect our flowering garden from the little foxes so that it won’t be spoiled.” The Holy Spirit graciously nudges our hearts and warns us of these things. Then we have the choice between yielding to Him or to our flesh… Without Him, and Truth revealed as in this post, we wouldn’t even recognize some of the schemes of the enemy! Thank you for this post, Nancy!