Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today (Sat June 12, 2010) while in intercession I was given the following Word on Disobedience. So I checked in with my Dad, Pastor Rusty Bowles and he shared a Word and Vision from God that he received today while also in intercession. I pray that we heed the Word of the Lord.

"You said you would serve me, but you've yoked yourself to things I did not yoke you to nor intend for you.
You were not created to be beasts of burden, but mirrors of My Glory.
But you have rebelled and wanted things your way, and in seeking your own you've forsaken My throne and the place of rule I set up for you.
Return to Me. Let Me remove your burdens and destroy your yokes. Repent of your rebellion. Repent of prostituting my Glory. Repent and be restored.
For my heart is broken over your rebellion. My heart breaks breaks for you. Return to Me before you are completely broken down and without defense before your enemies who wait to pounce on you.
Truly it is my mercy that you are not destroyed. It is my loving kindness that seeks you out. My love woos you. No longer be stiff necked and proud-refusing to see. Oh, you see the things surrounding you, but do you yet not understand?
It is only by My Hand that you can stand in these times. It is only by My Hand will you be strengthened and restored.
Break your unholy alliances and be yoked to them no more. Your ways are not My ways. Come up higher- where you were meant to be. Gather yourselves and come now to Me.
I will be covering for you babies, I will be food for your children. I will be light for your leaders and song in your hearts- strength for you journey. just lay aside your burdens- put them on Me. Now is the time for you to be set free from the toils of your labor and to labor with ME.
Build up the waste places- Restore the breach, tear down the idols, For I AM in easy reach.
Come, I will be found of you, and will show you the way. Now is the time. This is the Day."
What Dad heard and saw:
I had a vision this morning of Pastors standing in LARGE pulpits that suddenly were suddenly engulfed in flames that consumed them. Others were standing in small pulpits and had Holy spirit fire erupting all around them burning up all the opposition and bringing restoration.
This is part of what God told me during prayer this morning:
“If you want My will to be done in the earth, then permit it to be done in your lives first. Do not look for My will to be done through rebellious vessels.”

1 comment:

Joshua said...


Thank you for this mail!
I also say SELAH!

I have to be careful to ensure that I am obedient to every prompting of the spirit!
I am grateful!
