Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Financial Straight-Jackets being broken off


I see, in the spirit, financial straitjackets holding people back in this day. This has been confirmed by more than one source. This morning I am on fire about this and God has given me some direction about it. It is to that end that I send this email. He told me to speak to the principalities and powers that put these jackets on His people.

I speak to the institutions that put these straitjackets on people right now and I declare that these people are not deserving of being bound in their finances. I speak to the principalities right now and I take the authority I have in Jesus to declare freedom.

Strongholds must fall and these jackets be loosed. I speak to the authorities over these straitjackets in the mighty name of Jesus and I tell you loose the bonds! Loose the strings that are keeping them bound. Unties the key strings that they can be free.

I speak to those who are bound. Rise up and shake off the bondages as Samson did. As you rise up the spirit of the Lord will rise with you with healing in His wings.

Shake of the apparent and take hold of the invisible. Today is your day.

I speak protection over all of the givers, the financiers, and the paymasters. The blessing of the Lord is upon you. I speak protection to all those who have helped this ministry now or in the past. I speak recovery for all that has been stolen or hidden away from you. I speak a 1000 fold blessing on all that have been providers during this time and in the future

In the mighty name of Jesus.

Pastor Rusty Bowles

Church of the Latter Rain

1456 Beltline #139

Garland TX 75044

1 comment:

Karen said...

I agree and prayed this. I have seen the same idea but it was a python snake strangling, or attempting to strangle. He can’t because of the covenant promises on the saints. Yes, we rise up and take our authority. (Praying your teaching will be anointed tomorrow!)