Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Apostolic Prophet Declaration/Revelation of 2014

The year of
Exploring God’s Greatness,
Discovering His Goodness, And seeing
the miraculous Through intimacy with him!


Will bring a New Mantle upon the Body of Christ. Like Joseph’s coat of many colors woven from fragments of many different cloaks, God is going to take the past Truths  and waves of revelation and build upon them, and wrap them up together to create this New Mantle, of which the Emerging Apostolic church will begin to be seen to be wearing.  We will see glimpses to start with, but it will emerge to display more of the multi facets of God’s Glory, Goodness and Greatness! For the Body will walk in Integrity, Justice and Righteousness, Truth and Mercy and Love as never before.  We will display the Honor and Respect that God has deposited into His church, His Chosen, Called-out Ones!  We will be a Living Display of God’s Beauty and Grace manifested in hearts that are sold out to Him and walking in intimacy with Him.  Just as Daniel of old would not bow but chose the lions rather than dishonor His God, and in the end the King and the lions had to Bow to Daniel’s God!  Just as Joseph walked in a multifaceted dimension of God’s wisdom and Grace and saved not only his own nation but many others as well, through his prudence, so too we shall display God’s Wisdom and Prudence and Grace as we wear this New Mantle.

Holds so many surprises.  I can see God rubbing His hands in glee and anticipation of surprising us with these blessings, as we position ourselves to receive them from His hands.  He is working out logistics and situations just so He can  watch the unfolding of these wonderful gifts and treasures and blessings that He has waiting for us in 2014.

Maybe you have been anticipating hardship and heartache because of current situations and political climes, etc.  I don’t know about those things or how He is planning to deal with and turn them around.  But I do know for those who are walking close to Him, the things that God has planned for us, far outweigh any bad, negative repercussions this world system may have unleashed and put into play!

Will be a revealing of all that is good and right and holy in God.  Which will also bring a sharp and distinct mark between what is God and what is not. Be alert and watchful and do not be deceived by any false presentations or pretentions.  The REAL will make Himself known, even as He intimately knows those that are His. Do not fear 2014, but embrace God and all He has for you in this year of Wonder and Intimacy with Him. 

Amen. So be it Lord. Thank you Lord. Amen.

NEM Dec. 31, 2013

This is what God has spoken to my heart.  This is what we can expect and what we should pursue and make our Goal for 2014.   No matter how much we already know, have already seen and experienced, there is SO MUCH MORE in God to find out!  We have only scratched the surface.  Let’s dig deeper, go higher, plunge further into the river with abandon and allow that stream and flow of Holy Spirit to take us where we’ve never been before!  2014 holds so much more in store for all of us.  Let’s explore and discover more of God’s Grace and Goodness and Glory together!  Amen.

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