Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I Am Thinking Of You- Guest Post Brenda Craig

I Am Thinking Of You

Posted By Brenda On March 24, 2008 @ 12:00 am In Love Letters from God | 1 Comment

How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with You” (Psalms 139:17-18 [1] Amplified)

Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works Which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us Cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered. (Psalms 40:5 [2] Amplified)

More Than The Grains Of Sand

I am thinking of you this very moment. As you go about your business and activities, not really thinking about much, I am watching you and joy comes to My heart. I hear your conversations of love to your family. I hear you softly speaking My name as you move through your day. I hear your frustrations and see your struggles. My gaze is riveted on you. I can’t take My eyes off you. My thoughts for you outnumber the grains of sand. They are just waiting to be captured by you. I whisper your name. I call to you.

I can’t help but think of all the things I have planned for our life together. No plan or accusation of the enemy has power to rob or steal what I have given you when you hide yourself in Me. Come My beloved and let the embrace of My thoughts toward you encircle you, surround you like a cloak on winter’s day. My gaze, My heart and all that is within Me is fixed on you. Whisper My name. The beauty of My name cascading from your lips captures Me, motivates Me even more, if that is possible. Yes, it makes Me whisper your name.

Therefore, take time as often as you can even if it is just a minute here and there. They all add up. Lay every care at My feet and look up. Lay every frustration at My feet and behold Me. Let yourself be lost in My gaze. Listen very closely today. I am whispering to you. My still small voice is whispering your name, whispering I love you.

I Look On The Motive Of Your Heart

Beloved, when I behold you it’s like when you look at your child and their sweetness—their beauty captures your heart, causing tears of joy to fill your eyes. Your heart swells with love, leaving you awestruck by the moment. It is your pleasure to watch their attempts as they try to be like you, that puts a smile on your face and moves you to help them accomplish the task. I am no different. I love watching you grow in Me. Your failures are more of a concern to you than Me. My concern is the motive of your heart (1 Samuel 16:7 [3]). You are such a wonder to Me as I gaze on your beauty.

I know sometimes you don’t feel like a wonder or comprehend My delight in you. No matter, I am still in awe of you My child and I intend to show you how much. I was so in love with you and wanted to be with you that I sent My Son. I knew when He found you; you would love Him and be drawn near to Me. I waited with great anticipation for you. You are definitely worth it all. You are worth all the times and years I waited for you. The greatest desire I have is for you to know how much I love you and always have.

I never grow tired or weary. I do not faint in the heat of the day and I never leave when the going gets tough. I am faithful when you are faithless and I endure to the end. So, I am here Beloved, to impart strength, faith, hope and love. I am here to encourage you to never give up because I don’t. You must remember it is not by might or power that you accomplish anything. It is by My spirit. I am delighted how you are growing in this truth.

Take comfort, courage and hope in knowing that no matter what, you’re a wonderful treasure to Me. My heart swells with pride like a father on Graduation Day when I watch you advance and mature. What may seem like little bits of progress to you looks very different to Me. It is time you took on My perspective in a whole new way. I am touching the eyes of your spirit and enabling new sight and vision according to the way I see. Look up, I am beholding you.

A Time Of Increase

Beloved, a time of increase is at the door of your life. You are even this moment increasing in your understanding of My love and devotion as well as your love for Me. I know I could tell you a lot of other things today, but My heart is so full about who you are to Me I have to express it.

Drown yourself in My presence, in My abiding love. Other concerns will wait for the moment. In fact, they will better resolve themselves in this type of atmosphere. Let Me lavish you with My devoted heart. You are the one I love. Abide in Me and I will abide in you (John 15). Can you imagine a vine without branches? Me either. You are indeed a beautiful and fruitful branch so stay close and cling to Me. Do not let go no matter what. Branches receive all they need from the vine and you likewise receive all you need from Me. If you need peace I am it. If you need hope I am it. If you need healing I am it.

See what I mean. You can do nothing outside of being in Me. Never depend on your good works for even those are as filthy rags outside of Me. If good works would have got the job done and imputed righteousness I would not have had to give My life.

Beloved, My life is yours and I give it freely. My heart is yours and I give it freely also. It is so much so that when I hear My name on your lips My heart is moved and life flows from the vine. Heaven and earth can’t even stand between us. Hell has no power when you speak My name. When you whisper My name your voice penetrates all the noise and activity of heaven, opening My ear to your cry.

So, listen carefully as My voice, in response, rings through the heavens, “Here am I!” It is all I can say for My eyes and heart of love are respondent to your voice. If only you knew how you affect Me when you open your mouth in praise, you would never doubt again. A time of increase is surely at hand for you if you will only respond with yes and amen. Take Me at My Word and abide for new life is flowing to you from the vine of My heart.

Be Anxious For Nothing

Beloved, I do not want you to be anxious, worry or fret over anything. You do this when you forget how much I care—when you forget the great lengths I went to in order to set you free from such things. You worry and fret when you forget how much I love you. I know I have been saying it over and over but no matter. I feel it is necessary and besides, like I have told you before, I love to tell you and I love to demonstrate all that abides in My heart. It is what I do. It is who I am.

Yes, My heart melts at the mention of your name, ravishing Me with love for you. This love is not just for a moment as you sometimes experience in your earthly relationships. The moments of life pass and frustrations can arise. However, My thoughts toward you never change no matter what you do or may be experiencing. As a matter of fact, My deepest desire is for you to capture My thoughts in the midst of your frustrations and concerns. Doing this will eliminate so much suffering and dismay on your part. I am very present and near; therefore be anxious for nothing and roll every care over on Me (cf. Philippians 4:5 [4] NKJV). I have blessed you with every heavenly blessing (cf. Ephesians 1:1-7 [5]).

Practice being with Me when all is well and it will be easier in times of trouble and travail. My thoughts are for a lifetime and beyond. They were present before you were ever conceived and will continue for all of eternity as they expand and grow. All relationships grow in one way or another and I intend, no matter the cost or time, for ours to grow in beauty and intimacy.

Therefore, let My all-consuming love and the fixing of My gaze on you free you from any doubt. My perfect love cast out all fear. You need not be afraid of what I am seeing or thinking. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. Every good and perfect gift comes from Me and there is no shadow of turning in Me (cf. James 1:7 [6]). I cannot change (cf. Malachi 3:6 [7]). Run into Me and be glad, for I know the plans I have for you and they are for good and not evil (cf. Jeremiah 29:11 [8]).

Righteous In Christ Jesus

When I see you, I see the completed picture born out of My Son’s righteousness. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (1Corinthians 1:30). When you rest in the completed work of the Cross you have confidence in My unfailing love and faithfulness. The understanding of your identity is transformed.

Understanding your identity, in agreement with My Word, takes all the pressure off, leaving you free to have an intimate relationship with Me. I no longer call you a servant, but a friend (cf. John 15:13-17 [9]). Friendship always accomplishes more than servant hood. Let your heart be compelled by love not duty.

Remember, love never fails to motivate (cf. 1 Corinthians 13:8 [10]). If you ever find yourself doing things for Me or for others without the perspective of love, you have missed the point of who I am and what I have done. I don’t want slaves of duty, but works born of a lover’s heart, pure and undefiled by fear or obligation, consumed by a mutual passion.

Awareness of My gaze will motivate you and will permeate your days. Resting in the provision of My promises and protection leaves you free to worship, opening up the streams of revelation and creating a perceptive and understanding heart.

Yes, I am thinking about you and My heart is skipping a beat even now as I whisper your name. Pull aside! Come and sit awhile with Me. Join Me and we will have a mutual time of admiration, resulting in a freedom unknown to you before. Let all I have said hold weight in your own heart.

Beloved, I know you love Me and love My Word. I know your every attempt at walking in My commands. I see the motive of your heart and I am pleased. Reject all contrary thoughts and put on My thoughts, letting them cloak you like fresh morning dew. Close your eyes and imagine My eyes gazing upon you. Behold Me and ponder My Goodness.

As you do this, I will meet you and manifest Myself to you in a very real way (cf. John 14:21 [11]). It is in these moments and times transformation happens, taking you from precept to precept, from glory to glory (Isaiah 28:10 [12]). Even a small cup of time with Me will surely overflow into the rest of your days. Come, the banqueting table is prepared with fresh bread and new wine. I am thinking on You.

1. In what ways do you serve Him out of duty and not love? This puts you in bondage and clogs up revelation because you are always worried about not doing enough.

2. Receive His invitation of deep intimacy, letting Him wipe away any bondage mentality, for you are His friend. What does it mean to you personally to be a friend of God?

3. He has declared you worthy and righteous by the blood of the Lamb. He loves the motive of your heart and wishes to manifest Himself to you. The table is prepared with fresh bread and new wine. He is here to meet you, so what thoughts do you struggle with most that keeps you from entering into an abiding relationship with Abba Father? Give them to Him in exchange for fresh manna. You won’t get a better offer anywhere else. He is thinking on you.

Prayer of Supplication and Declaration

Lord, Your thoughts toward me are too numerous to ever count. Sometimes it is hard to imagine You gazing at me in the midst of my frustrations—in the midst of my struggles with unbelief. You are so gracious, and Your mercy has triumphed over judgment in my life. I receive Your affections today and relinquish any self-chastisement and appropriate Your grace in my life and heart. I hide myself in You; I hide myself under the shadow or Your wings. I exercise my faith and choose to believer all You have spoken to me today. Dig deep into the recesses of My being and stir my spirit. Set me free from anything that keeps me from abiding at Your feet among the whispers of Your heart.

Your goodness toward me is beyond measure. Every time I think I know how much You love me, I find I don’t have a clue. Even when I fail, You look on the motive of my heart as I endeavor to walk according to Your ways. Often I am harder on myself than You would ever be. Teach me to give myself the same grace You give me. Teach me to forgive myself as You have forgiven me. I pray that the depth of Your great love and the beauty of Your Word will settle down and abide in my heart to such a great extent that I will never despair. I pray I will be like You and endure until the end. I surrender to Your Spirit and forsake my own might and power. I lay it all down and I behold You.

Lord, I abide in You and You abide in me. It is much simpler than I make it. Teach me to listen carefully moment by moment, day by day and I will not be put to shame. I revel in the overflowing of love You are giving to me today and anticipate with great excitement all to come in the days ahead. Help me to never depend on my good works for this is self-righteousness and without You I have no righteousness of my own. I cling to You. I abide in You and peace, faith, hope and love are my portion—my fruit—and I stay hidden in You.

Forgive my anxious and fretful thoughts for they have robbed me of intimacy with You. They have been little foxes, robbing my peace and security. Not only do they rob me of peace and security, they rob me of time I could have with You. They rob me of faith. I submit all my worries, frustrations and anxious thoughts into the palm of Your capable hand. I rest in the beauty of our relationship and the forgiveness You purchased for me and for those I live and interact with. Help me to extend the same grace and mercy to them You have given to me.

You are indeed my righteousness, my savior and my friend. May all my works be born out of love and relationship—out of friendship. I owe You a debt of love. I am not a slave, but a friend. Therefore, I reject all contrary thoughts about who I am and I embrace Your righteousness for I am righteous in You.

I exchange beauty for ashes and the oil of gladness instead of mourning. Your love does not fail and will never fail me. I put my trust in You, my Strong Tower. I come into the Secret Place of the most High and dwell with You. I whisper Your name. I shout Your name and give My life in a sacrifice of worship and praise. I meet You at the table of fresh bread and new wine. I come to the banqueting table of intimate communion and abide in Your love. I whisper Your name for I am thinking about You Jesus, for You are my great Love. Amen

Reflect and Journal

1. Reflect on the Lord and His thoughts which abound to you. Slow down and listen. Let His Word surround you for just a moment. What is He saying?

2. How have you allowed frustrations with circumstances or other people to interfere with your intimate relationship with the Lord?

3. When we have aught against others or even frustration in dealing with others day to day it can seem to shout so loud that we miss His still small voice. The enemy shouts and God whispers, at least most of the time. What shouts of the enemy have you been listening to? What has His still small voice been trying to say over the shouts of the enemy?

4. Who or what do you need to forgive in order to hear His whispers?

5. Reflect about His response to you when you speak His name.

6. What failures have you allowed to get between you and the Lover of your soul?

7. The Father waited with anticipation for you and He delights in you always. How can you begin to return this expression of love in your own life in a practical way?

8. Reflect on His ability to be faithful when you are faithless. How can you practically appropriate the faithfulness He offers?

9. Have you devalued your progress in any area be it job, home, family, spouse, friendships or relationship with Him? In other words, are you being introspective about yourself to the point that all you see are your failures because somehow you haven’t measured up to your own expectations?

10. Spend some time beholding Him and receive all He has said. Let the words of your mouth confess all He has spoken in agreement regardless of what you think or feel. In agreeing with Him you deal a deadly blow to the enemy. Even if you feel you have a close relationship with the Lord there is always room to get closer. Therefore, no matter where you are take some time right now to enjoy His presence and receive His love.

11. What do you as a branch that abides in Him need to receive from the vine today? Is it healing, forgiveness, hope, faith, love, etc.?

12. In what ways have you depended on “good works” to take the place of abiding in Him?

13. Heaven is a very noisy place full of angelic singing and worshipping. There are thunderings and lightening around the throne. It is a very, very noisy place. Now, imagine you simply whispering the Lord’s name or crying out, “Abba Father” and it penetrates all the noise, all the activity of Heaven and goes straight into the Lord’s heart, straight to the Father’s heart. Reflect on this and journal what it means to you and how it can or should change your prayer life.

14. He has declared to you, “Here am I!” Believe He is standing very near, nigh unto your heart with words to say, love to confess. What specifically is He saying to you?

15. Where do you need to see increase in your life the most? Is it in your family, your marriage, your job, your health or in abiding relationship with Him? No matter where it is, He is able, willing and near to give it. Spend some prayer time with Him and remember, He hears your slightest whisper and responds.

16. What concerns and or frustrations have caused you to be anxious? When we are anxious we tend to take things into our own hands. Let His unchanging nature wrap you in a secure place and enable you to do it His way.

17. His heart melts at the mention of your name. What personal failures or struggle with sin, attitudes, actions, thoughts or relational issues interfere with you believing this truth?

18. Have you held God responsible in any way for anything and put distance between you and He? When you blame God it is hard to receive His love and near impossible to give it in return.

19. When you fault someone and feel negative toward them it is very difficult to trust. If you do not trust, you cannot have faith in their good or kind intentions toward you. If you have blamed God for anything take time to ask for forgiveness and release Him of your judgment.

20. How can you adjust your lifestyle and personally practice being with Him in practical ways?

21. In what ways do you serve Him out of duty and not love? This puts you in bondage and clogs up revelation because you are always worried about not doing enough.

22. Receive His invitation of deep intimacy, letting Him wipe away any bondage mentality, for you are His friend. What does it mean to you personally to be a friend of God?

23. He has declared you worthy and righteous by the blood of the Lamb. He loves the motive of your heart and wishes to manifest Himself to you. The table is prepared with fresh bread and new wine. He is here to meet you, so what thoughts do you struggle with most that keeps you from entering into an abiding relationship with Abba Father? Give them to Him in exchange for fresh manna. You won’t get a better offer anywhere else. He is thinking on you.

Article printed from Journals of the Heart:

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URLs in this post:

[1] Psalms 139:17-18:

[2] Psalms 40:5:

[3] 1 Samuel 16:7:

[4] Philippians 4:5:

[5] Ephesians 1:1-7:

[6] James 1:7:

[7] Malachi 3:6:

[8] Jeremiah 29:11:

[9] John 15:13-17:

[10] 1 Corinthians 13:8:

[11] John 14:21:

[12] Isaiah 28:10:

[13] Image:

Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed provided that complete source and website information for Brenda Craig and Journals of the Heart is included.

©2008 Spirit Food for Life Ministries. All rights reserved.

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